#1 Tool you NEED in your "health tool kit"!

Published: Wed, 04/16/14

BITe by BITe

Add a little Farm to your life and watch the Magic Happen!
A Note From Melissa
Hello, welcome to The Farmer's Daughter Newsletter! I know you'll love all of the things I have in store. If you know of a friend that would appreciate this type of motivation and inspiration please feel free to send along! You will get exclusive content on here. There is always the blog and Facebook for more really great free stuff!

Here is a little bit about me- I was fortunate to grow up in a household that didn't even consider alternative medicine as weird. We cared for our health through diet and alternative methods. I have been through the so many health challenges from curing my asthma as a child who was supposed to be sentenced to inhalers for the rest of her life to beating depression and serious tooth decay (and a 10,000 dental bill!)

I am super committed to having you totally love food and really be able to incorporate it into YOUR REAL life. I say that because it is one thing to read the latest fads on nutrition and diet and its entirely another to find what works for you and really start to make it happen in your life. I have an extensive highly competitive top level sports background I've been trained by some of the best in the world and I have a little bit of a sassy kick butt kind of approach. I hope you'll love the great tips and videos and recipes that I share here, I hope you share them with LOTS of other people. It makes my heart sing to hear of just one more person making a step towards a life they deserve.

Opportunities for Learning
Every issue of this newsletter will be an opportunity for more learning, if you are in a place that you are ready to REALLY make a shift in your life this is the section you'll love. As an example I have a recipe book coming out soon! (I never share my recipes... so this is a rare glimpse into my mind- scary place I tell ya!)  So you will have an opportunity to download it for free from Kindle (if you don't have a Kindle - which is just a device for easy reading of e-books, you can easily get a Kindle app to go on any of your devices its super cool and they have a LOT of e-books). 

#1 Tool You Will Need To Master Your Health
This is a REALLY exciting webinar that is FREE. We will be talking about how you can truly master your health. Through my life and through working with people I've seen one of the biggest missings is this tool and it will change your life. This content packed webinar is one you'll want to bring a notebook to (and a friend of course!)

If you've ever thought, "I just wish there was ONE thing that would get me on track". This is it. It isn't what you think - I promise you that! (I'm always full of surprises)


Look forward to seeing/hearing you there!
Super Valuable Article
Addictive Eating: Are You Powerless Over Food?
The holidays of winter often bring to mind the image of a full table-and a full stomach. We gather with friends and family and feast merrily on pies and potatoes, turkey and ham and all of the fixings that many of us dearly enjoy.
There is another side to that pretty picture, however.
What if our extra consumption of calories during the winter is fueled not by good cheer and companionship, but by anxiety? And, further, what if it's not the gathering of loved ones that we most look forward to, but the food that we can't get out of our minds?  
Also, while we may welcome gatherings with friends and family, they do bring with them extra stress and preparation. Add to the mix the anxiety caused by a sputtering economy, and many of us might find ourselves reaching for "comfort" food.
An anxiety-provoked behavior, such as overeating, is an attempt to cope with that anxiety, but as with most such behaviors, it can become a problem itself. Overeating can become a compulsion and lead to health issues such as diabetes and obesity.
This is not to say that you should reflexively turn down that second piece of pumpkin pie, but if you were dreaming of that pie for days, and if, in fact, you care more about that pie than the people around you, then you may have a problem that needs attention.
According to Overeaters Anonymous, here are a few other common markers of compulsive eating:
1. Do you eat when you're not hungry?
2. Do you go on eating binges for no apparent reason?
3. Do you have feelings of guilt and remorse after overeating?
4. Do you look forward with pleasure and anticipation to the time when you can eat alone?
5. Is your weight affecting the way you live your life?
6. Do you resent others telling you to "use a little willpower" to stop overeating?
7. Despite evidence to the contrary, have you continued to assert that you can diet "on your own" whenever you wish?
8. Do you eat to escape from worries or trouble?
9. Does your eating behavior make you or others unhappy?
If you think that you might be overeating compulsively, it is possible to recover. Help is available through the 12-Step programs Overeaters Anonymous and Food Addicts Anonymous, as well as a therapist or counselor.
With the help and support of others, you can uncover the reasons behind your compulsive eating, find other strategies for coping with anxiety and get on a food program that can sustain and, even, restore your health. Like everything I talk about, discovering the ROOT cause of such eating tendancies will be the path to success. This is not always easy - in fact rarely ever is. This is most often the hardest, longest path. Also most sustainable in terms of long term success.
While you may still have those dreams about that second piece of pumpkin pie, you can also live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life without it.
Author's content used under license, (c) 2011 Claire Communications

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Local food 4-1-1

The Farmer's Daughter and Steckle Heritage Farm
Are partnering on June 15th to bring you a 3 hour jam packed event full of everything you ever wanted to know about local food. How to prepare, where to buy, what to expect etc! Be sure to sign up early

Dinners with the Farmer's Daughter will also be available at Steckle Location this summer.

The Farmer's Daughter
Melissa was born and raised on and organic farm, while eating healthy was a way of life for her it wasn't until she was faced with "real life" that she realized eating the good food from her farm is the food that nourishes her. She is passionate about people really loving their food, loving the process and feeling free of the burden that food sometimes creates. Inspiring people through education and skills and tools to feel EMPOWERED about the food they feed themselves and their family
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