Duck Eggs...and Dinner with me for 1/2 price!!

Published: Wed, 07/16/14

BITe by BITe

Forget the Fads
Let's REALLY do this!
A Note From Melissa
This summer is going by so quickly! I hope you are taking full advantage of it and making the most of the food in season. We had a really successful Local Food 4-1-1 held at Steckle Heritage Farm in June. Everyone left with a plan to make the most out of our region! You can read about it here.

Dinners are continuing to book up, we hope you'll come out to the farm and enjoy while you can! Special note that there is a way to get 50% off dinners until the end of August.

I'm going to be keeping exclusive content for only newsletter subscribers. So if you have friends who you know would love to hear about some of the things I talk about please forward this on to them. They'll also receive my free Smart Consumer Shopping guide.

I have a pretty huge announcement coming in the next edition of this newsletter so stay tuned!

Sincerely yours,
Melissa Baer
The Farmer's Daughter

Opportunities for Learning..
You can click here to Learn about why Duck Eggs are the new rage! Some of my customers can eat my eggs while not being able to eat other farm fresh or grocery store eggs. However I've also had some people who STILL can't eat my chickens eggs. When they switched to duck eggs they found they could eat them! They can be hard to find, however here is one place you can find them

I have a cousin down in the United States who raises all sorts of ducks and geese. His latest project is Cotton Patch Geese, they actually WEED your garden for you! I've heard they are especially good for strawberry patches before or after the berries, because they don't take to the leaves too well. I've actually SEEN videos of them eating thistles! Nature is abound with wonderment.

GET 50% off Dinner with The Farmer's Daughter
For a limited time if you book online you can receive 50% off Dinner with The Farmer's Daughter...

here is how!
1) click here and sign up for the newsletter
2) If you are already signed up click here (for newsletter subscribers only)
3) Email to confirm your booking, you can see the event calendar here. Or if you'd like to book a private seating you should probably do this step first!

In case you haven't made it out yet, here is what a few local media outlets have to say...

Wild Hair Gardener
The Record
Jane Dummer - Nutritionist

Super Valuable Article
Is Stress Getting the Better of you?
Are You Living Your Life on a Treadmill?

Do you work hard but feel like you've accomplished little or nothing at the end of the day?

Do the fruits of your labor leave you wanting more?

Do you find yourself wondering, "Is this is all there is to life?"

Stress can sometimes be more debilitating than even the food that we eat! (That's saying a lot coming from me!) I know first hand how stress can negatively affect our life, I also know how it can positively affect our lives. It's like most things in life, there is an optimal balancing act that can serve us best. Each of us is different. Here are a few questions to help you understand where you are on your stress scale. Maybe it is an area you want to look at to live your best life.

1. Do you often feel overwhelmed and find it difficult to take action? Perhaps you're no longer interested in trying anything new. Maybe your actions throughout the day are on "autopilot."

2. Has it become more and more difficult to make decisions? Our modern world can be overwhelming, and choices seem to get more complex. Have you started to simply ignore your challenges, hoping they'll go away?

3. Has tiredness become a constant companion? Whether it's due to lack of sleep or just having less get-up-and-go, this is about more than aging. There's a growing feeling of depleted energy.
If you answered "yes" to many of the questions above, take heart. Awareness is the first critical step to feeling better.

Overwhelm, indecision and exhaustion serve as useful signals telling you that your life is out of balance and that something needs to change, that it's time to feel more excited about your life.

How can you step off the treadmill, regain equilibrium and a sense of positive and fruitful motion? Read on for a decision-making process that can reduce overwhelm, clarify your decisions and re-energize you.

Sort your decisions into 3 categories: "Yes," "No" and "Maybe."

Should you, for example, take on that extra assignment at work? If your immediate answer is No, honor it. Trust your instincts.

What about the vacation you've been wanting for years? Probably the Yes pile, right?

Without thinking about how each thing is going to happen, or what the consequences might be, go through your list of things you need to decide about, and sort.

If it's neither Yes or No, put it in the Maybe pile.

The Maybe pile is usually filled with things you're uncertain about, and is the category that seems to be the biggest and bogs you down the most.

Here's the kicker: Your Maybe pile is very likely an extension of your No pile. Big Maybe piles are only overwhelming if you think of them as Yesses-or "shoulds."

Just say 'NO'

Until you're clear that you've taken care of all the Yesses in your life, everything else is a No. It's that simple. Working from a small, contained Yes pile helps you focus and let go of "what ifs." Finally, the overwhelm starts to go away.

A simple decision-making process like the above can be all it takes to reduce tension, help you breathe more calmly and give you more energy.

Until next time I wish you all the fun kind or thrilling kind of stress free summer!
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Farm News

Products Available
Chicken's have had a bit of an unfortunate event. Some orders will need to be pushed to October

There is another round of beef up at the butcher with a few orders left. Be sure to get your steaks and ground beef for the summer! (you can get premade burgers too for 50 cents extra per pound of burgers)

Only limited quantities of lamb left!

Start placing your orders for Turkey! For Thanksgiving now!! Also we'll have limited supply of gluten free turkey sausage also available again this year.

Pick up Dates
if you are unsure of your pick up date or order
Also remember: When coming to the farm come around the back of the house!

Latest News
Stay Tuned for a Big Announcement Next Edition

The Farmer's Daughter
Melissa was born and raised on and organic farm, while eating healthy was a way of life for her it wasn't until she was faced with "real life" that she realized eating the good food from her farm is the food that nourishes her. She is passionate about people really loving their food, loving the process and feeling free of the burden that food sometimes creates. Inspiring people through education and skills and tools to feel EMPOWERED about the food they feed themselves and their family