Biggest Announcement yet, and GARLIC fest at the farm!

Published: Mon, 09/15/14

BITe by BITe

Forget the Fads
Let's REALLY do this!
A Note From Melissa
Hello and Happy FALL!
I know we are all thinking, "where did summer go?".
As fall rounds the corner its time to get back into routine and back to school. We've got lots of promotions going on through Live Local get 10% off your order.

We are having GARLIC FEST!!! We grew an acre of garlic and need to sell it. Its all Organic and Heritage seed variety of garlic. We are having a fall family farm day with hay wagon rides, you can eat some tasty garlic treats

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Vibrant Farms is getting a makeover! We're expanding and changing things up to be able to bring you more awesome stuff!

Opportunities for Learning
Garlic Fest and Family Farm Day
(free with purchase of a pound of organic vibrant farms garlic)
October 5th 2014
2669 Carmel-koch Rd, Baden, Ontario
Open house
More information here

Joel Salatin is visiting Guelph
(The grass fed farmer from the hit Movie of this generation  Food inc)
Purchase tickets and get more information here

Super Valuable Article
Here is an article I wrote for a really cool website called "Slowstruck" its all about slowing down and enjoying life a little more. What benefits we can gain from taking a step back from the race of life

Slowing down. A great idea in concept. Why don't we do it more? I was born and raised on the farm, arguably a place where slow processes and slowing down is all around me. So in theory if there was anyone who'd find it easier to slow down it'd be me. Regardless I even find it hard to slow down. Areas where slow may be beneficial include: slow food, slow exercise, slow family life, slow business growth. The list really does go on. I want to share with you a personal story of slow health. Where I, by the grace of what I consider to be a higher power I was able to be patient and allow. Anyone who knows me knows that Im much more of a hard hitting, intense kind of personality. If something isn't working I want to fix it, and go after it in my very intense kind of way.

Let me regale you with the tale of my teeth. I played competitive level rugby for about 10 years. I trained hard, I ate everything I was supposed to and avoided everything I was supposed to. I thrive on discipline. I loved every moment of it. At the end of my university career I came out of school to realize I had serious tooth decay due to repetitive jarring of my head and jaw. It had caused some grinding and subsequent decay in my teeth. After a visit to my dentist and orthodontist who both responded with the same answer of "no there is nothing you can do other than brushing your teeth and eating less sugar to prevent cavities" when I asked is there anything food wise I can do to prevent tooth decay or heal my teeth.  I realized that answer just didn't sit well with me, since I'd already had experience of healing my asthma as a 5 year old girl who was told I'd never play sports and would have an inhaler all my life. So I went about my regular intense way of research and talking to everyone I could possibly get my hands on. In the end it was not easy. I was experiencing a major abscess that would leak into my mouth and I was reminded every day how bad it really was. I was told I'd have to have jaw surgery, get braces, have a root canal and pull the tooth. Through food, a rigorous regime of homeopathics and naturopathic remedies I was able to turn it around. 1.5 years later I had less discoloration, no abscess and no more symptoms of grinding. During that time, it was painful, and it was scary. Thoughts like "am I making a huge mistake". Am I damaging myself for life? Should I just give up with all this natural stuff?" All went through my head. I've had surgery on my knee and I can't tell you how grateful I am that I stuck to my guns and didn't get the 10,000.00+ recommended surgery and protocol. I want to be clear I am NOT recommending this. I am simply sharing an experience of when slowing down, and looking at true healing from the inside out was  hugely beneficial for me. It wasn't easy, even for me - someone who's well versed in homeopathic ways of healing and realizes the time involved.

I think we are quick to jump to immediate results that may be surface, instead of looking for the deeper cause and the root of what ails us, would slowing down our health give us a greater understanding of our bodies? I remember a distinct conversation I had with my father one time while away at university where I was complaining that I didn't understand why everyone else who took pain meds could feel better so quick, while I did the natural approach and while I would feel better, it took time. I was having a crisis of faith so to speak. He responded to me saying "well, there is no way to know, but I guess we'll see how their health is at 50 and 60, and what your health is like then. Are you in it for the long haul or are you in it for the immediate short term results." Now we can't prove that they won't have great health at that point, and many factors contribute to health or lack there of, but it was a great perspective for me to gain about my choices and why I choose slow health. In the end there is a reason my body experiences pain, and I choose to listen to it.

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Farm News

Products Available
Get your Heritage Chicken now!
These chickens are happier and healthier simply because of their breed  - Learn more here and place your order with

Pick up Dates
We will not be having a pick up date thanksgiving Friday.

Make sure to place your order for Turkey Sausage - only a limited quantity available

Latest News
Vibrant Farms is getting a MAKE-OVER!! Learn about the exciting changes that are happening to be able to bring you MORE good food and good info!
The Farmer's Daughter
Melissa was born and raised on and organic farm, while eating healthy was a way of life for her it wasn't until she was faced with "real life" that she realized eating the good food from her farm is the food that nourishes her. She is passionate about people really loving their food, loving the process and feeling free of the burden that food sometimes creates. Inspiring people through education and skills and tools to feel EMPOWERED about the food they feed themselves and their family