Trimming the Fat in 2016 at Vibrant Farms - Special Offers, Contests & More!

Published: Fri, 02/05/16

Can you believe we are well into 2016 already?
Did you set any new year's resolutions or sit back and evaluate your goals and plans for this year? The team at Vibrant Farms spent January doing just this!

The past year was busy and we expanded our business by offering several healthy options to our customers - both pastured/grass fed meats and also free-run poultry raised with lots of space to roam inside the barn. What did we learn from 2015? 
We determined that it's time in 2016 to return to our roots - we want to be your source for ONLY pastured/grass fed meats. So this year we will NOT be offering free-run poultry as we feel that our customers are looking for birds that have had the happiest, healthiest life which includes lots of outdoor sunshine, bugs and grass. That is not to say that free-run raised birds are not healthy, it's just that customers have many options to find birds raised that way at other local farms. t's important to us for our customers to KNOW 100% that ALL of the meats they purchase through Vibrant Farms are pastured/grass fed & raised on organic non-GMO grasses (beef) and feed (poultry). 
In saying that, we do have an inventory of free-run chickens & turkeys that were raised through the colder months at the end of 2015 that we are selling just through the winter here. Once that inventory is sold out, that will be the end of free-run birds for Vibrant Farms. Check below for awesome special pricing!
Another focus for 2016 for Vibrant Farms is to continue to offer our meats through wholesale to various local stores & distributors. Our focus is not on retail and therefore will be scaling back on mini orders for individual cuts here and there. Our fantastic partners such as Bailey's Local Foods offer our meats at retail pricing and orders can be conveniently picked up in Waterloo. We also offer online ordering through our website that can be picked up at Sage Naturopathic Clinic (585 Queen St. S., Kitchener). We are gearing up to also offer 2-3 smaller variety meat boxes (poultry, pork & beef) for those with smaller freezer capacity & budget. Customers can still pick up orders at the farm - variety boxes and minimum larger bulk freezer orders.
Taking time to reflect on the past can help you GROW into the future and re-focus on your values. Our values continue to be to offer sustainable organic grass fed meats fed only organic non-GMO grasses/feed. In future there will be no doubt that you are accessing some of the healthiest, "cleanest", most nutrient-dense meat in the Region!
And be sure to ENTER the DRAW to win a "Valentine's Basket" from Vibrant Farms. Celebrate love & friendship around your table with products from the farm!
Yours in health & wellness,

Melissa & Kathryn
Vibrant Farms Team
FEBRUARY: family, friendship and love!
Here at Vibrant Farm's we're all about family of course! February is perhaps best known for FAMILY Day and of course the month of LOVE, so I just wanted to take a few moments to talk about how important it is to love your body.

Your body is the vehicle in which we experience the world. It might seem like its HARD WORK to be healthy - I assure you it's harder work to be unhealthy! In my experience life is most rich when experienced and witnessed by those that we love - family, significant others or just chosen family and friends. If we do our best to allow our bodies to thrive, they will serve us for a very long time in allowing us to run around, play, jump, ski, hike, swim, laugh, breathe, sunbathe, eat delicious food, drink delicious wine, and in general soak up all that life has to offer.  

What is one (even small) thing YOU will do differently this year to support your body (our vehicle for experiencing the richness of life) in having the best possible experience we can have while on this earth? 

Loads of LOVE from Vibrant Farms & The Farmer's Daughter! 

*written by Melissa Baer, The Farmer's Daughter & Founder/Owner, Vibrant Farms
Have you tried Stock Exchange's chicken or beef bone broth made with Vibrant Farms organically raised chicken or beef?

We are heading into cold & flu season and what better way to help build up and support your immune system than sipping on a warm cup of broth.

Pick up can be arranged at the farm or soon you will be able to order through Bailey's Local Foods online and pickup in Waterloo!

Contact us for more info on how you can order some of this super nutrient dense broth.
what's for dinner?
Looking for the most affordable way to purchase meat? 
Bulk freezer packages ranging from intro packages up to a whole animal are available for both pastured pork and organic grass fed beef. 
Let us know your freezer capacity and budget and we would be pleased to recommend the best option for your household.
Watch for our new variety meat boxes on our website & social media - these will include a great mix of beef, pork and chicken.

Visit our "Products" page on our website for pricing & more info. Look for our new "online ordering" option there too.
*note: all meat is locally raised, fed organic non-GMO feed, no medications/antibiotics & hormone-free.
Enter to win a variety meat "Valentine's Basket" from Vibrant Farms valued at $100!
Celebrate family, friendship and love around your table with products from the farm!
The winner will be randomly chosen in a draw and announced on February 14th, 2016. Prize has no cash value. 
Click here to enter now!
Your Product Name

WHOLE Chicken
5-10 lbs each
*as long as supplies last.

No hormones/antibiotics, fed organic
non-GMO feed. Raised free-run in winter months.
$5.00/lb whole (reg. $5.25/lb)

Order 5+ chickens & price drops
to $4.75/lb!

Click on button to email us your order:

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Your Product Name

WHOLE Turkey
11-18 lbs each
*as long as supplies last.

No hormones/antibiotics, fed organic
non-GMO feed. Raised free-run in winter months.
$4.00/lb (reg. $4.75lb)

Only 7 birds

Click on button to email us your order:

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