Vibrant Farms Newsletter Winter 2017

Published: Sun, 01/01/17

It's been a while since our last newsletter - but we wanted to be sure to start off the new year by saying "thank you" to all of our valued customers and partners for a fantastic 2016! We experienced positive growth in many ways at Vibrant Farms and are really looking forward to another great year in 2017.
One of our first projects to tackle in the new year is to explore delivery options for making the healthy meats from the farm more accessible in a wider geographical region. In order to know if this is a growth avenue for Vibrant Farms, we need to hear from you. We are hoping to send out a survey in the next few weeks to see what cities our customers are driving in from and where delivery might help us to expand our market. Watch your email box and our social media for the survey link!
The beef animals were able to be out grazing on the fields on fresh grass right into November in 2016 which is awesome! The mild weather meant more time on fresh grass before the first snowfall. And one day this week I was in the barn and two little heads popped up - two brand new baby calves born over the holidays! New life on the farm is always an exciting time. It's great to see our farmer care for the new moms and calves with such attention - another perk of a local smaller family farm. 
Turkeys are running around in the upper part of the barn and growing on organic non-GMO feed with no corn added. This means we will have a plentiful supply of garlic turkey sausage & ground turkey around Feb/March. If you would like to order some ahead or even reserve a whole turkey - let us know now so we can have the right quantities processed when the time comes.
We are currently taking orders for January/February in all bulk freezer package sizes. As well, we continue to offer great variety meat box options to fit your budget, freezer space, and household size. There is wind of a possible slight price increase on the bulk freezer boxes due to rising costs, but those would not take affect until a bit further into 2017. Click here to order and lock in 2016 pricing for your Jan/Feb order in 2017.
And Kathryn is participating on the planning committee for the Foodlink Conference coming up in February 2017 - be sure to mark the date in your calendar. More details will be released in January.
Be sure to visit our website to see what is in stock and what's coming to the farm: 
Yours in health & wellness,
Melissa & Kathryn
Vibrant Farms Team
We thought it would be fun to share some of the books on our shelves that we find resourceful on our journey toward optimal wellness and learning about healthier food options in general. Some we have read already and some we hope to read through in the new year. It'd be great to hear from you if you have found a good read too - we are always striving to learn more, find new recipes and help others on their journey.

The photo below is just a few of the books on our bookshelves - if you are interested in more info about them such as full title, author and so on, just email us and we would be happy to provide that to you.

Happy reading!

Melissa & Kathryn
Vibrant Farms Team
WHOLE chicken

Available Now:

GROUND chicken
2 lbs/pkg​​​​​​​

organically raised
*fed organic non-GMO feed, flax seed &
mineral supplement
NO medications
NO corn & no filler

Click on button to email us your order:

Buy Now!
Your Product Name

(available in Feb/March 2017)​​​​​​​
1.5 to 2 lbs/pkg

organically raised
*fed organic non-GMO feed, flax &
mineral supplement
NO medications
NO corn & gluten-free

Click on button to email us your order:

Buy Now!